2.5 BIM production variants#

Preamble: Install Pyomo and a solver#

The following cell sets and verifies a global SOLVER for the notebook. If run on Google Colab, the cell installs Pyomo and the HiGHS solver, while, if run elsewhere, it assumes Pyomo and HiGHS have been previously installed. It then sets to use HiGHS as solver via the appsi module and a test is performed to verify that it is available. The solver interface is stored in a global object SOLVER for later use.

import sys
if 'google.colab' in sys.modules:
    %pip install pyomo >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
    %pip install highspy >/dev/null 2>/dev/null
solver = 'appsi_highs'
import pyomo.environ as pyo
SOLVER = pyo.SolverFactory(solver)

assert SOLVER.available(), f"Solver {solver} is not available."

Two variants of the BIM problem: fractional objective and additional fixed costs#

Recall the BIM production model introduced earlier here, that is

\[\begin{split} \begin{align*} \max \quad & 12x_1 + 9x_2 \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & x_1 \leq 1000 \quad &\text{(silicon)} \\ & x_2 \leq 1500 \quad &\text{(germanium)} \\ & x_1 + x_2 \leq 1750 \quad &\text{(plastic)} \\ & 4x_1 + 2x_2 \leq 4800 \quad &\text{(copper)} \\ & x_1, x_2 \geq 0. \\ \end{align*} \end{split}\]

Assume the pair \((12,9)\) reflects the sales price (revenues) in € and not the profits made per unit produced. We then need to account for the production costs. Suppose that the production costs of the chips \((x_1,x_2)\) are equal to a fixed cost of \(100\) (independent of the number of units produced) plus \(7/6x_1\) plus \(5/6x_2\). It is reasonable to maximize the difference between revenues and costs. This approach yields the following linear model:

\[\begin{split} \begin{align*} \max \quad & \left (12-\frac{7}{6} \right)x_1 + \left (9-\frac{5}{6} \right)x_2 - 100 \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & x_1 \leq 1000 \quad &\text{(silicon)} \\ & x_2 \leq 1500 \quad &\text{(germanium)} \\ & x_1 + x_2 \leq 1750 \quad &\text{(plastic)} \\ & 4x_1 + 2x_2 \leq 4800 \quad &\text{(copper)} \\ & x_1, x_2 \geq 0. \end{align*} \end{split}\]
def BIM_with_revenues_minus_costs():
    m = pyo.ConcreteModel("BIM with revenues minus costs")

    m.x1 = pyo.Var(domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals)
    m.x2 = pyo.Var(domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals)

    m.revenue = pyo.Expression(expr=12 * m.x1 + 9 * m.x2)
    m.variable_cost = pyo.Expression(expr=7 / 6 * m.x1 + 5 / 6 * m.x2)
    m.fixed_cost = 100

    m.profit = pyo.Objective(
        sense=pyo.maximize, expr=m.revenue - m.variable_cost - m.fixed_cost

    m.silicon = pyo.Constraint(expr=m.x1 <= 1000)
    m.germanium = pyo.Constraint(expr=m.x2 <= 1500)
    m.plastic = pyo.Constraint(expr=m.x1 + m.x2 <= 1750)
    m.copper = pyo.Constraint(expr=4 * m.x1 + 2 * m.x2 <= 4800)

    return m

BIM_linear = BIM_with_revenues_minus_costs()

    "x=({:.1f},{:.1f}) value={:.3f} revenue={:.2f} cost={:.2f}".format(
        pyo.value(BIM_linear.variable_cost) + pyo.value(BIM_linear.fixed_cost),
x=(650.0,1100.0) value=15925.000 revenue=17700.00 cost=1775.00

This first model has the same optimal solution as the original BIM model, namely \((650,1100)\) with a revenue of \(17700\) and a cost of \(1775\).

Alternatively, we may aim to optimize the efficiency of the plan, expressed as the ratio between the revenues and the costs:

\[\begin{split} \begin{align*} \max \quad & \dfrac{12x_1 + 9x_2}{\frac{7}{6}x_1 + \frac{5}{6}x_2 + 100} \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & x_1 \leq 1000 \quad &\text{(silicon)} \\ & x_2 \leq 1500 \quad &\text{(germanium)} \\ & x_1 + x_2 \leq 1750 \quad &\text{(plastic)} \\ & 4x_1 + 2x_2 \leq 4800 \quad &\text{(copper)} \\ & x_1, x_2 \geq 0. \end{align*} \end{split}\]

In order to solve this second version we need to deal with the fraction appearing in the objective function by introducing an auxiliary variable \(t \geq 0\). More specifically, we reformulate the model as follows

\[\begin{split} \begin{align*} \max \quad & 12y_1 + 9y_2 \\ \text{s.t.} \quad & y_1 \leq 1000 \cdot t \quad &\text{(silicon)} \\ & y_2 \leq 1500 \cdot t \quad &\text{(germanium)} \\ & y_1 + y_2 \leq 1750 \cdot t \quad &\text{(plastic)} \\ & 4y_1 + 2y_2 \leq 4800 \cdot t \quad &\text{(copper)} \\ & \frac{7}{6}y_1 + \frac{5}{6}y_2 + 100y = 1 \quad &\text{(fraction)} \\ & y_1, y_2, t \geq 0. \end{align*} \end{split}\]

Despite the change of variables, we can always recover the solution as \((x_1,x_2)= (y_1/t,y_2/t)\).

def BIM_with_revenues_over_costs():
    m = pyo.ConcreteModel("BIM with revenues over costs")

    m.y1 = pyo.Var(domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals)
    m.y2 = pyo.Var(domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals)
    m.t = pyo.Var(domain=pyo.NonNegativeReals)

    m.revenue = pyo.Expression(expr=12 * m.y1 + 9 * m.y2)
    m.variable_cost = pyo.Expression(expr=7 / 6 * m.y1 + 5 / 6 * m.y2)
    m.fixed_cost = 100

    m.profit = pyo.Objective(sense=pyo.maximize, expr=m.revenue)

    m.silicon = pyo.Constraint(expr=m.y1 <= 1000 * m.t)
    m.germanium = pyo.Constraint(expr=m.y2 <= 1500 * m.t)
    m.plastic = pyo.Constraint(expr=m.y1 + m.y2 <= 1750 * m.t)
    m.copper = pyo.Constraint(expr=4 * m.y1 + 2 * m.y2 <= 4800 * m.t)
    m.frac = pyo.Constraint(expr=m.variable_cost + m.fixed_cost * m.t == 1)

    return m

BIM_fractional = BIM_with_revenues_over_costs()

t = pyo.value(BIM_fractional.t)
    "x=({:.1f},{:.1f}) value={:.3f} revenue={:.2f} cost={:.2f}".format(
        pyo.value(BIM_fractional.y1 / t),
        pyo.value(BIM_fractional.y2 / t),
            / (BIM_fractional.variable_cost + BIM_fractional.fixed_cost * t)
        pyo.value(BIM_fractional.revenue / t),
        pyo.value(BIM_fractional.variable_cost / t)
        + pyo.value(BIM_fractional.fixed_cost),
x=(250.0,1500.0) value=10.051 revenue=16500.00 cost=1641.67

The second model has optimal solution \((250,1500)\) with a revenue of \(16500\) and a cost of \(1641.667\).

The efficiency, measured as the ratio of revenue over costs for the optimal solution, is different for the two models. For the first model the efficiency is equal to \(\frac{17700}{1775}=9.972\), which is strictly smaller than that of the second model, that is \(\frac{16500}{1641.667}=10.051\).